Europontoons / Barges

EuroPontoons and barges for transport, offshore accommodation and much more.

Our robust pontoons and barges are immediately available for charter.

EuroPontoons are tough, robust pontoons and barges, ranging from 30m up to 100m in length, that can be used for almost any application. We keep a full range of standard pontoons and barges in stock, immediately available for sale, lease or charter.

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We are determined to answer all your questions

  • Neptune Marine

    Multi -Purpose Pontoon NP 459

    Length:82,50 m
    Beam:27,00 m
    Deckload:20 tons/m2
  • Multi-Purpose Pontoon NP 289

    Length:80,00 m
    Beam:24,00 m
    Deckload:20 tons/m2
  • Oslo Pontoon

    Length:76,00 m
    Beam:24,00 m
    Deckload:10 tons/m2
  • MultiPontoon 10030

    Beam:30,48 m
    Depth:6,10 m
    Cargo capacity:11.475 tons
    Deckload:15 tons/m2
  • EP-8327 - Neptune Marine

    MultiPontoon 8327

    Length:82,50 m
    Beam:27,00 m
    Depth:6,00 m
    Cargo capacity:8010 tons
    Deckload:20 tons/m2
  • Neptune Marine

    MultiPontoon 7625

    Length:76,00 m
    Beam:24,50 m
    Depth:5,00 m
    Cargo capacity:5500 tons
    Deckload:20 tons/m2
  • EP-7522 - Neptune Marine

    MultiPontoon 7522

    Length:75,00 m
    Beam:22,00 m
    Depth:4,00 m
    Cargo capacity:3478 tons
    Deckload:15 tons/m2
  • EP-6020 - Neptune Marine Service

    MultiPontoon 6022

    Length:60,00 m
    Beam:22,00 m
    Depth:4,00 m
    Cargo capacity:3250 tons
    Deckload:15 tons/m2
  • EP-6017 Neptune Marine

    MultiPontoon 6017

    Length:60,00 m
    Beam:16,50 m
    Depth:3,50 m
    Cargo capacity:2140 tons
    Deckload:12 tons/m2
  • Europontoons / barges

    MultiPontoon 5514

    Length:55,05 m
    Beam:14,00 m
    Depth:3,00 m
    Cargo capacity:1350 tons
    Deckload:10 tons/m2
  • Pontoons - Neptune

    MultiPontoon 5019

    Length:50,00 m
    Beam:18,80 m
    Depth:3,00 m
    Cargo capacity:1734 tons
    Deckload:12 tons/m2
  • EP-5019 Neptune Marine

    MultiPontoon 5017

    Length:50,00 m
    Beam:17,40 m
    Depth:3,00 m
    Cargo capacity:1609 tons
    Deckload:15 tons/m2
  • EP-5014 Neptune

    MultiPontoon 5014

    Length:50,00 m
    Beam:14,00 m
    Depth:3,00 m
    Cargo capacity:1300 tons
    Deckload:10 tons/m2
  • EP-4013 - Neptune

    MultiPontoon 4013

    Length:40,00 m
    Beam:12,50 m
    Depth:3,00 m
    Cargo capacity:850 tons
    Deckload:10 tons/m2
  • EuroPontoon 3011

    MultiPontoon 3011

    Length:30,00 m
    Beam:11,20 m
    Depth:2,50 m
    Cargo capacity:500 tons
    Deckload:6 tons/m2
  • EuroPontoon 10030

    MultiPontoon 4213

    Length:42,00 m
    Beam:13,00 m
    Depth:3,00 m
    Cargo capacity:990 tons
    Deckload:10 tons/m2